Soul Vacation- Part Two


Sometimes it's so little. The things that keep our souls alive.

For me, it's taking pictures. Not because I am a great photographer. I'm not. (In fact, I'm ashamed to say I still haven't used the new camera Ryan bought me because the iPhone happens to always be in my hand.)
But taking a picture, a frivolous, un-important, may never see the light of day picture of a cloud or a grasshopper or a flower or a little girl who grows light years every single time I turn back to look at her... taking these pictures reminds me that I am free.
I am free to take a picture of a flower.
I am free to waste my time looking at fields of brush and weeds.
I am free to let my daughter nap in her stroller while I lay next to her in a damp field in Indiana getting my jeans dirty, looking at clouds, listening to the birds and wind.
I am free.
I am free to diddle daddle or piddle paddle or widdle waddle with this or that.
I am free to breathe. To slow down. To dawdle. To not have a single thought in my head or care on my plate.
I am free to do a whole lot of nothing which adds up to everything.
The freedom to do nothing means you have everything.
Today, I'm grateful for that.
So with that, here are a few pictures from a place called Soul Vacation...
or Anderson, Indiana.

I Should be an Ambassador...

for the city of Santa Fe that is.
Can't help it, I'm in love.
iPhone pics from me and Ryan's day at the park.

Driving from Albuquerque to Santa Fe. A storm was a brewin'.

(sidenote: I am no longer in New Mexico. I am in Dallas. And, in a few hours I will be in OshKosh, Wisconsin. But, next time I am in Albuquerque I will give you sweet blog readers who were willing to drive an hour to see me, a little shout out. We can meet at Flying Star. Deal? Done! Second week of August there will be a blogger party in Albuquerque!)